The cabinets at the very top of this shelf in a room in Faye have a bad design. They are located way too high up for the average person to use. The average man in the USA is 5’9 according to and the average woman is shorter than that. The person who is living in this dorm room is 5’10 and cannot reach those cabinets. Therefore, the average person cannot reach those cabinets and cannot use them without the help of a chair or some other height raising tool.

A badly designed shelf cabinet

They aren’t pretty (no one can clean them if they are up that high) and aren’t functional. By Oliver Reichenstein’s chart, that means these cabinets are trash. Perhaps “trash” is a bit harsh because they can become functional through some extra effort, but that just solidifies the fact that they have bad design since they are unusable without the extra effort. It also makes me feel short and angry. It’s like the designer wanted to mock those of us under 6 foot. There’s no point putting anything in there because its such a hassel to get to it.